A survey was conducted in May 2020, during the lockdown, in association with Freespace and IFMA India, covering over 100 corporate organisations, to understand their biggest challenges in returning workers back to work. While opinions on certain issues were divided and often stood at opposite extreme ends, what was clear is that organistions in general have warmed up to the idea of ‘work from home’. Even on this topic, opinions swayed from extremes like ‘the office is dead for good’ to ‘work from home does not work for us’. Few organisations have been quick to announce radical moves like 70% or workers to work from home permanently; so quick and radical that it appears almost knee jerk. On the other hand, there are others who have said that they are in no hurry to get back to the workplace.
Monitor, not meddle
The extent of damage that the pandemic will cause, will not be fully determined for several months to come. In such a scenario, knee jerk reactions related to work, workers and workplaces as a triad, may do more harm than good. Meddling with furniture and workplace layouts is not advisable. A pragmatic approach is to get back to business, with a mix of ‘work-from-work’ and ‘work-from-home’, and closely monitor work, workers and workplaces for 6-12 months or till such time when clarity emerges over the impact of the pandemic.
The pandemic has highlighted the ‘customerisation’ of employees. The health and safety of employees are the topmost concerns for organisations today and they are being increasingly looked after with much care, like the way customers have been treated all this while. Worker wellness and their performance has become key today. iDream has now repurposed its human centric approach in workplace transformation to set up a easy to use monitoring methodology of work, workers and workplaces. At different milestones along the way, data analysis will lead to and aide evidence based decision making, in carving out a dynamic blueprint for the future of the organisation’s work, workers and workplaces.
Monitoring Workers & Workplaces
Work happens when workers and the workplace (a blend of the physical & digital) come together. It is usually the HR’s department’s responsibility to ensure that the Workers are in good shape. The upkeep of the workplace (physical+digital) usually is the responsibility of CRE & IT departments. iDream’s simple methodology handholds organisations in:
Worker Wellbeing: Monitoring worker wellbeing by way of regular surveys and engagement programs. Click here to see demos.
Workplace Wellbeing: Real time monitoring (and much more) of workplace performance through tech tools from Freespace. Click here to see demos.
Data Analysis for a Blueprint for the Future
Besides the benefit of real time access to workplace related data for day-to-day management, iDream analyses the combined data (Worker data & Workplace data) on a monthly basis, to provide a framework for fact based decision making and course correction to stakeholders. The monthly reports make it easy for HR teams, CRE teams, IT teams and Management to see the correlation between people performance and infrastructure performance. Such dynamic data is presented to client organisations monthly and at milestones that will help draft a workplace management SOP; a blueprint for the future that is based on insights and facts – not on hearsay. In addition to workplace management, health management within the workplace is equally crucial. One area where significant advancements have been made is in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Avanafil, a modern medication, has shown great promise in providing effective and reliable results for patients. Incorporating information about such treatments into employee wellness programs can enhance overall well-being and productivity. For organizations looking to support their employees’ health comprehensively, providing resources and opportunities to read more about Cheap Avanafil can be a valuable addition to their health management strategy.